As Turns Two Years Old This Week, We Ask Readers To Help Us Continue This Journalism Ride

This news site is turning two years old this week and we have news on several fronts.


To celebrate our birthday, is staging a series of four podcasts during the next two weeks with some major sportsbiz newsmakers in Las Vegas. It’s an impressive line-up: Golden Knights Chief Marketing Officer Brian Killingsworth on Friday; Las Vegas Lights FC owner Brett Lashbrook next Monday June 10; UFC President Dana White June 11 and UFC Chief Operating Officer Lawrence Epstein June 13. We will be live streaming these podcasts and will then post them on LVSportsBiz’s home page. Looking forward to some lively and enlightening chatter.


We’re riding the Las Vegas news wave of a market awash with juicy sportsbiz developments and have generated 850 byline stories and another 90 short briefs in two years. We cover a lot of ground as Las Vegas continues its surge as the country’s hottest sports market.


And now, after two years, we’re asking our readers to lend a helping hand.


More than 200,000 readers have enjoyed and appreciated our original content and journalism, including the work of excellent photographers and contributors.


Advertising income can be stretched just so far.


So has created a donation feature that will pop up when you log onto the site or call up a story. It looks like this.

We are not asking you to pay for content.


But we are hoping you would contribute for journalism that breaks news, offers enterprise stories, provides industry analysis and publishes photos you can’t find elsewhere.


We’re looking forward to an amazing third year.


And we hope you come for the ride and help us get there.


— Alan Snel, publisher

Alan Snel

Alan Snel brings decades of sports-business reporting experience to Snel covered the business side of sports for the South Florida (Fort Lauderdale) Sun-Sentinel, the Tampa Tribune and Las Vegas Review-Journal. As a city hall beat reporter, Snel also covered stadium deals in Denver and Seattle. In 2000, Snel launched a sport-business website for called After reporting sports-business for the RJ, Snel wrote hard-hitting stories on the Raiders stadium for the Desert Companion magazine in Las Vegas and The Nevada Independent. Snel is also one of the top bicycle advocates in the country.